Chase the Chuck Wagon price

Chase the Chuck Wagon Price Atari 2600

Release Date: December 31, 1983

Platform: Atari 2600

The Chase the Chuck Wagon page was last edited by Vgprice

Release Date:December 31, 1983
Release Format:Official Release
Release Type:n/a
Sell Rarity:n/a
Sell Popularity:n/a
Platform:Atari 2600
Release Trailer:n/a

Chase the Chuck Wagon Price Chart

Sold history

Listing NameSell DateSell PriceCountryFlag
Chase the Chuck Wagon (Atari 2600) (1983) (Spectravision) (ULTRA RARE) (PURINA)Jan 24th 2019$70.00Report
CHASE THE CHUCK WAGON Rare for Atari 2600 Video Game System Tested, Works Great!Jan 15th 2019$75.00Report
Chase the Chuck Wagon Chuckwagon (Atari 2600) Game CartridgeJan 15th 2019$71.00Report
Chase the Chuck Wagon Chuckwagon (Atari 2600) Game Cartridge Authentic UntestedJan 15th 2019$70.00Report
Chase the Chuck Wagon Chuckwagon (Atari 2600) Game Cartridge Authentic UntestedJan 12th 2019$40.00Report
Chase the Chuck Wagon Atari 2600 Game - Very Rare Authentic!Dec 17th 2018$72.00Report
Chase the Chuckwagon (Atari 2600, 1983)Dec 16th 2018$60.00Report
CHASE THE CHUCKWAGON Atari 2600 - video game cartridge - VERY RARE - TestedNov 26th 2018$66.00Report
Chase the Chuck Wagon Chuckwagon (Atari 2600) Game Cartridge Authentic Nov 25th 2018$70.00Report
Chase the Chuckwagon (Atari 2600, 1983) Tested & WorkingNov 7th 2018$58.00Report
Atari 2600 Chase the Chuck Wagon Chuckwagon Video Game Cartridge *Rare*Nov 4th 2018$69.99Report
Chase the Chuck Wagon Atari 2600 Rare Purina GameNov 2nd 2018$59.99Report
Atari 2600 Chase the Chuckwagon game TESTED 1983 SpectravisionOct 29th 2018$50.00Report
Chase The Chuck Wagon (Atari 2600, 1983) SPECTRAVISION RARE Oct 23rd 2018$59.99Report
Vintage Chase The Chuck Wagon 1983 Atari 2600 Video Game Rare!Oct 6th 2018$51.00Report


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