Barbie Groom and Glam Pups price

Barbie Groom and Glam Pups Price Nintendo DS

Release Date: November 16, 2010

Platform: Nintendo DS

The Barbie Groom and Glam Pups page was last edited by Vgprice

Release Date:November 16, 2010
Release Format:Official Release
Release Type:n/a
Sell Rarity:n/a
Sell Popularity:n/a
Platform:Nintendo DS
Release Trailer:n/a

Barbie Groom and Glam Pups Price Chart

Sold history

Listing NameSell DateSell PriceCountryFlag
Barbie: Groom and Glam Pups (Nintendo DS, 2010)May 20th 2023$4.20Report
Barbie Groom and Glam Pups (Nintendo DS, 2010) AUTHENTIC TESTED!Jan 30th 2023$5.20Report
Barbie: Groom and Glam Pups (Nintendo DS, 2010)Jul 25th 2022$3.92Report
Barbie Groom and Glam Pups Nintendo DS NRMT condition game cartridge authenticDec 10th 2021$6.75Report
Barbie: Groom And Glam Pups - Nintendo DS Game ~ Game Cartridge Only Works GreatJul 20th 2021$6.99Report
Barbie: Groom and Glam Pups (Nintendo DS, 2010) Zhu Zhu THQ Activision CartridgeOct 12th 2020$6.99Report
Barbie: Groom and Glam Pups (Nintendo DS, 2010) Cart OnlyOct 1st 2020$4.49Report
Barbie Groom And Glam Pup - Nintendo DSOct 1st 2020$5.01Report
Barbie: Groom And Glam Pups - Nintendo DS Game - Game OnlySep 28th 2020$2.25Report
Barbie: Groom and Glam Pups (Nintendo DS) Lite Dsi xl 2ds 3ds XLSep 10th 2020$7.98Report
Barbie: Groom and Glam Pups (Nintendo DS, 2010) (game only)Aug 30th 2020$0.99Report
Barbie Groom And Glam Pup - Nintendo DSAug 26th 2020$5.61Report
Barbie: Groom and Glam Pups (Nintendo DS, 2010)Aug 25th 2020$13.00Report
Barbie: Groom and Glam Pups (Nintendo DS, 2010)Aug 25th 2020$1.00Report
Barbie: Groom and Glam Pups (Nintendo DS, 2010) cart only TESTED!!Aug 17th 2020$5.49Report


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