Blue Chairs price

Blue Chairs Price Trs-80

Release Date: December 31, 2004

Platform: TRS-80

The Blue Chairs page was last edited by Vgprice

Release Date:December 31, 2004
Release Format:Official Release
Release Type:n/a
Sell Rarity:n/a
Sell Popularity:n/a
Release Trailer:n/a

Blue Chairs Price Chart

Sold history

Listing NameSell DateSell PriceCountryFlag
Battle Chess IBM Tandy PC Game Interplay Floppy 5.25" & 3.5" 1990 VintageApr 10th 2023$10.00Report
Battle Chess IBM Tandy PC Game Interplay 3.5 & 5.25” Disks 1988 VintageJul 27th 2022$35.00Report
Battle Chess IBM Tandy PC Game Interplay 5.25” Disks Only 1988 VintageApr 9th 2022$14.99Report
Battle Chess IBM Tandy PC Game Interplay Floppy and 3.5" Disks 1990 VintageMar 29th 2022$14.99Report
Battle Chess DOS -- DisksDec 19th 2021$22.00Report
Battle Chess IBM Tandy PC Game Interplay Floppy and 3.5" Disks 1990 Vintage Dec 16th 2021$19.95Report
Battle Chess (1990 Interplay) 3.5"/5.25" Disk PC GameDec 16th 2021$16.28Report
Battle Chess (PC 3.5" & 5.25 16 color version) - 1988 square box - InterplayDec 1st 2021$7.99Report
Battle Chess IBM Tandy PC Game Interplay Floppy and 3.5" Disks 1990 Vintage Nov 30th 2021$15.07Report
Battle Chess (PC 3.5" 16 color version) - 1988 square box release - InterplayNov 13th 2021$14.95Report
Battle Chess PC 3.5 & 5.25 16 color version 1988 Square Box InterplayOct 22nd 2021$13.99Report
Battle Chess IBM Tandy PC Game Interplay Floppy and 3.5" Disks 1990 Vintage Jul 28th 2021$19.99Report
Battle Chess IBM Tandy PC Game Interplay Floppy and 3.5" Disks 1990 VintageJul 8th 2021$12.99Report
GFL Championship Football II (TRS 80) Tandy Color Computer 3 game only untestedAug 27th 2017$7.15Report
GFL Championship Football II (TRS 80) Tandy Color Computer 3 game only untestedJan 7th 2017$9.95Report


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