Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator price

Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator Price Atari 2600

Release Date: December 31, 1982

Platform: Atari 2600

The Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator page was last edited by Vgprice

Release Date:December 31, 1982
Release Format:Official Release
Release Type:n/a
Sell Rarity:n/a
Sell Popularity:n/a
Platform:Atari 2600
Release Trailer:n/a

Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator Price Chart

Sold history

Listing NameSell DateSell PriceCountryFlag
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator Atari 2600 SEGA Cartridge Only TestedJan 20th 2019$9.95Report
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator (Atari 2600, 1983) Cart OnlyJan 19th 2019$12.99Report
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator Atari 2600 SEGA Cartridge Only TestedJan 16th 2019$0.99Report
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator (Atari 2600, 1983)- Not TestedJan 4th 2019$6.50Report
STAR TREK STRATEGIC OPERATIONS SIMULATOR game cartridge only for ATARI 2600Jan 3rd 2019$3.84Report
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator (Atari 2600, 1983)Dec 15th 2018$10.16Report
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator Atari 2600 SEGA Cartridge Only NTSC Dec 1st 2018$9.95Report
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator (Atari 2600, 1983) Cartridge - TestedNov 27th 2018$7.99Report
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator (Atari 2600, 1983)Nov 27th 2018$10.00Report
Atari 2600 Star Trek Strategic Operations Simulator with ManualNov 19th 2018$5.99Report
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator Atari 2600 Nov 13th 2018$7.00Report
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator (Atari 2600, 1983)Nov 1st 2018$8.37Report
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator (Atari 2600, 1983)Oct 12th 2018$12.50Report
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator (Atari 2600, 1983) Cartridge OnlySep 30th 2018$5.00Report
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator (Atari 2600, 1983) (Cartridge) NTSCSep 19th 2018$14.50Report


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