Metroid II: Return of Samus Review

Part of the Now You're Playing With Power! Series | By Robert Colichio | Aug 16, 2017, 12:00 pm

Metroid II: Return of Samus Review

Hello everyone, and welcome to our weekly installment of, Now You're Playing With Power! Each Wednesday, I will highlight an NES, SNES, or Gameboy title in my collection, from the golden age of Nintendo (1985-1995). Please note that the rating system I use towards the end of the article is based off expectations of games at the time, (especially in the graphics category). Ratings are 1-10, ten being the best, while the overall score is not an average.

Samus Returns with Metroid II: Return of Samus on the Gameboy today. A game I purchased from Funcoland back in 2000, I have not completed this title.

Metroid II: Return of Samus takes the series to the small screen. Samus must hunt down and kill the Metroids on SR388 before the Space Pirates can use them. Samus heads underground and explores the depths of SR388 for all the secrets the dark world may hold.

Metroid II takes off right where Metroid left off on the NES. Much of the game mechanics are the same, with the ability to get upgraded weapons and items. The game is driven more by how many Metroids you defeat, giving this game a bit more of a free roaming feel than its predecessor.

One major step up is the amount of detail over the original. Though lacking in color of course, Metroid II provides the player with a much higher rendered Samus Aran and better looking enemies. The music is also a step up and sounds even better than the NES original. The game wastes no time getting the player involved with its visual and musical appeal out of the gate.

Metroid II also kicks the challenge down a notch from the original. A welcome addition at times, and generally well done. Much of the game's backgrounds appear the same which can confuse players though, as the game only has a few different textures.

Samus Aran's second installment might only be one level on a small screen, but the game does well many years later. Action fans should check this one out.

Developed by: Nintendo
Released: 1991
Also Available On (Ports may vary): N/A
Current Market Value: $13-$16

Graphics & Sound: 9.1
Play Control: 8.8
Theme & Fun: 8.9
Challenge: 9

Overall: 9